our projects

Power Systems Engineering

Transmission and Distribution systems allow energy to be exported to the market, or imported to an end user. AVGPSC has designed and constructed many Transmission and Distribution systems for Power Plants, Industrial power distribution systems, and Commercial users.


Integral in power generation is the ability to export generated power through a grid-interface. Our design process includes transmission system considerations, and we ensure that enough transmission capacity is installed to export the full capacity of power plants we design.


Power can be utilized safely only through the correct design and installation of a reliable power distribution system. AVGPSC can provide design and installation services for all distribution system voltages.

Past Projects

  • 2 x 45 MVA Cebu Private Power Corp. Substation and Power Distribution System
  • 50 MVA Caremlray Industrial Park Power Corp. Substation and Power Distribution System
  • 10 MVA CDO Foodsphere Substation and Power Distribution System
  • 2 x 5 MVA San Miguel Brewery Substation
  • Engineering Services for Power Supply Infrastracture System Aman Pulo Resort
  • NG Fired Power Generation Plant Feasibility Study JGS Petrochemical Corp.